Saturday, 8 April 2017

PSK to OBJ Conversion Script

Just a quick post to share a little psk_to_obj python script Scoob (the author of Elimination) whipped up for me that makes porting meshes from older UT games with XTXP's UT4 Converter much easier.

I've tested it fairly extensively on UT 2k4 meshes under Win 10 and it's worked perfectly for me in all of my tests.


You need to have python installed.
  • Run the Converter program as usual.
  • Import all the textures and "Make Materials" for them. This must be done first or the materials won't be automatically applied when you import the meshes.
  • Once Converter is done drop a copy of the psk_to_obj python script into the folder where Converter put the *.psk meshes.
  • Double click on the psk_to_obj script.
  • Wait a few seconds for the script to finish.
  • Open the UT4 editor, go into the content browser and "Import" all the *.obj files.

You'll now have all the meshes in UT4 ready to use. You may wind up with some missing materials (the ones that weren't just simple textures in the old engine) but for the majority of maps and meshes most of the materials will be there and automatically applied to the meshes.

A big thumbs up and a thank you to @Scoob for writing this script!