Sunday, 6 January 2019

Shroud comments on UT4

Shroud, a well known streamer with thousands of followers, comments on UT4.

I'd never heard of him before, until the other day when he decided to stream UT4 from my Unreal Carnage Chicago hub. Within minutes there were 6 instances (in spite of my having set maxinstances=4) and about 50 players. The load crashed my poor little 3 core hub.

Anyhow here's a clip of what he had to say about UT4.

Flak and RZE of the UT Team noticed. Right after that they were more active, Flak playing the game and RZE talking about possible mods in Discord, than anyone from Epic has been in over a year.

And another Shroud clip

In case anyone from Epic reads this, if you ever come back to working on UT4, please fix it so maxinstances=# actually works!