Monday, 7 October 2013

Bot or Not

Going through my log today I found someone had sold 8 individual Caldari Navy Missile Launchers to me. The interesting part was they were sold individually, one at a time, yet all 8 were sold at the exact same time.

It's also noteworthy that a similarly named character (same last name, different first name) had purchased 6 from me 4 days earlier for just over 9 million more per launcher. Assuming that's another alt of the same player it would seem he or his bot isn't smart enough to sell things for more than he paid for them.

Note the time-stamp in the log, it's exactly the same for all of them. That's 8 individual sell orders he entered, all in less than 1 second (somehow I missed one line while cropping the screen capture). And no I didn't post individual buy orders myself either, they were all sold to the same order.

So the question I put to you is this: Bot or not?


  1. It's suspicious, can't hurt to report it.

    1. Already did. Just curious what others think.

  2. Interesting pick up. I'm not aware of a way to individually sell items in that fashion and time frame. Assuming they were all within 1 second, my vote would be on a bot.

  3. That's all within one minute, not 1 second.
    He may have repackaged them, not stacked them, then sold them by right clicking each one and selling. I don;t do this with 8, but sometimes when I'm scrapping an old ship, I'll forget to stack, then right click hastily through everything I want to dump to the market to buy orders just clicking sell then hitting enter. Going through 8 items in a minute is not surprising.
    If you export your wallet transactions API, you should be able to see the seconds during the minute those were sold at. You'll probably find there's a small gap between them.

    1. You are correct it is 1 minute, not 1 second. My bad on that but it still looks suspicious to me. We're talking about some fairly expensive faction mods here, not just junk.
