Sunday, 14 July 2013

Training Report - July 2013

Training report for all my characters as of 14 July 2013

My old training report format was becoming a bit unwieldy with so many characters so it's time for a change.

First some numbers:

12 Accounts
19 Characters

18 Traders (all but 2 with 269+ orders)

5 Covert Ops pilots (2 more in training with 1 and 2 weeks to go)
1 Blockade Runner pilot
1 Tengu pilot (another in training with 24 days to go)
1 Recon pilot
1 Rattlesnake pilot
19 Vigil pilots =)

15 PLEX/mo (3 accounts dual training)

I've been working a mix of regional and station trading with a fair bit of hauling / courier contracts between regions for several months now. The Amarr, Dodixie, Rens, Hek and Lonetrek traders have dropped everything worth under 5 million and secondary traders on those hubs are working those items now. Most of my traders have Daytrading V and Marketing V now, the few that don't will have them soon. Most of them also have Procurement IV and Visibility IV.

I started up 6 new accounts a couple months ago. Each account has one trader on it. All of them have Tycoon IV now and are working on either Tycoon V or Broker Relations V. They all have roughly another 1.5 months of training to go before they're finished. At that point I'll probably transfer several of them to other accounts to consolidate accounts and save a few plex.

The original plan for 5 of the new traders was to have them take over the skillbook business on Amarr, Dodixie, Rens, Hek and in Lonetrek. I've already moved all skillbooks worth 5 million or less to the new traders but I've changed my mind about the rest of the plan for them.

I'm going to keep the high value skillbooks on the original traders and only work the cheapest books on the new alts. I'll probably wind up moving all skillbooks worth 10 million or less to them eventually, maybe even 20 million. I've started started buying some other low value items on them too, a few things they'll use themselves and a little dabbling in / experimenting with a few other odds and ends.

That way I'll have all the highest value / most profitable items on one character at each hub and all the low value items on another. The high value traders can be checked on and updated more often while the low value traders can work long term bulk trends with infrequent updates.

Or another option I'm considering is to drop everything under 10 or 20 million and have 1 trader work skillbooks and mods while the other works say implants and boosters.

The remaining new trader has taken over the business on Ichoriya from my main.

I'm getting Contracting IV on all my traders now too because it only takes 14 hours to train and I actually had one of my buyers run out of contracts once while transferring items scattered all around a region to another character for pickup!

Account 1

dual training active

Couster Regional Trader - 305 orders, Tycoon V, Accounting V, Broker Relations V, Margin Trading V, Daytrading IV, Marketing IV, Procurement IV, Visibility IV and Contracting IV. Currently training Marketing V.

Tash Murkon Regional Trader - 305 orders, Tycoon V, Accounting V, Broker Relations V, Margin Trading V, Daytrading V, Marketing V, Procurement IV, Visibility IV and Contracting IV. Finished training for now.

Jita Station Trader #3 - 125 orders, Wholesale IV, Broker Relations IV, Accounting V, Margin Trading V, DayTrading IV, Marketing IV, Contracting II. Buys inexpensive modules (T2 and meta 4) mostly for my own use. Currently training Wholesale V.

Future plans: Finish training trade skills on all 3 characters. Then remap Int/Mem and work on flying support skills (mainly Navigation, Engineering and Electronics skills) one at a time. Will probably train at least 2 characters into Covert Ops eventually and might train one into Blockade Runners.

Dual training has allowed me to start training the "spare" Jita trader up too.

Account 2

dual training active

The traders of Amarr, Dodixie and Rens. All characters on this account have 305 market orders with Trade V, Retail V, Wholesale V, Tycoon V, Accounting V, Broker Relations V, Margin Trading V, Marketing V, Daytrading V, Procurement IV, Visibility IV and Contracting III or IV.

Amarr Station Trader - 305 orders (maxed),  Currently training Covert Ops and relevant support skills.

Dodixie Station Trader - 305 orders (maxed). Cov Ops pilot. Currently training flying support skills.

Rens Station Trader - 305 orders (maxed). Cov Ops pilot. Finished training for now.

Unless one of these characters moves to another station in low/nul they'll never need to train Procurement V or Visibility V. If they don't join a corporation they won't need more contracts either.

Future plans: I intend to train all three into Covert Ops and remap Int/Mem for support skills training next. After that I'll probably train one into something besides Trade (Industry maybe).

Account 3

Lonetrek Regional Trader - 305 orders, Tycoon V, Accounting V, Broker Relations V, Margin Trading V, Marketing V, Daytrading V, Procurement IV, Visibility IV, Contracting IV. Finished training trade skills and remapped Int/Mem. Cov Ops and Blockade Runner pilot. Currently training Int/Mem support skills.

Jita Station Trader #2 -  305 orders, Tycoon V, Accounting V, Broker Relations V, Margin Trading V, Marketing V, Daytrading V and all other remote skills at IV. Does nothing but trade officer/deadspace/faction mods.

Future plans: Continue training Int/Mem support skills on the Lonetrek trader. Weapon skills don't matter, he's a trader not a fighter.

Account 4

dual training active

Jita Station Trader #1 - 305 orders, Tycoon V, Accounting V, Broker Relations V, Margin Trading V, Marketing V, Daytrading V, Procurement IV, Visibility IV and Contracting IV. Does nothing but station trade skill-books. Currently training Int/Mem support skills.

Exploration / Scout / Scanning pilot - Flies Covert Ops (Buzzard), Recon (Falcon) and is training Int/Mem support/scanning/exploration skills. Has all Astrometric skills at IV, most shield, navigation, fitting and exploration skills at IV or V. I don't plan on doing any serious trading on this character. He has 29 order slots, more than enough to buy things he needs and that's it. Currently training Recon V.

Future plans: Continue training Int/Mem skills on the exploration/scout/scanning character. Long term this character will continue following the Covert Ops line into Recon cruisers and eventually Black Ops battleships. Will eventually start a new character on this account or transfer a fully trained trader to it.

Account 5

My Main - Cov Ops, Tengu, Rattlesnake pilot. All by himself on his own account and concentrating mainly on Per/Wil combat skills, with particular focus on missile skills. 125 orders, Wholesale IV, Accounting IV, Broker Relations IV, Margin Trading IV and all of the "remote order" trade skills at IV. He hasn't been heavily involved in trade for some time now but does a little low maintenance trading (mostly selling) in various places. Currently training Tengu subsystems skills from IV to V (3 finished, 2 more to go).

Future plans: My main is concentrating mainly on Tengu and Missile skills. I'll probably get Recon and maybe Black Ops too. I hate flying slow ships so battleships are low priority for me though I'll probably get Caldari and Gallente Battleships to IV (both are at III now) for Rattlesnakes eventually. He'll be staying in the Per/Wil remap for a long time yet and will probably get a bunch of Gunnery skills to IV or V too. I'll probably eventually transfer a couple other characters to this account.

Account 6

Hek Station Trader - 305 orders, Tycoon V, Accounting V, Broker Relations V, Margin Trading V, Daytrading V, Procurement IV, Visibility V and Contracting IV. Currently training Minmatar Frigates V.

Jita trader #4 - 305 orders, Tycoon, Accounting V, Broker Relations V, Margin Trading V.  Daytrading V, Marketing IV, Procurement III. Handles the Jita implants market and dabbles a little in boosters. Finished training for now.

Future plans: Finish training Cov Ops + a few support skills on Hek then get Marketing V on Jita.

Accounts 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Six new accounts I started around 2 months ago with 1 character on each account (just before the news about dual training broke). They're all traders following the same training plan with the first two a day ahead of the next two and the last couple roughly a week behind that.

All of them have Tycoon IV, Accounting V, Marketing IV, Daytrading IV, either have or are nearly finished training Broker Relations V and are currently training either Tycoon V or Broker Relations V.

One of them runs the Ichoriya business, the other 5 are secondary traders for Amarr, Dodixie, Rens, Hek and Lonetrek. The 5 secondary traders are currently just handling skillbooks worth under 5 million ISK  plus buying a few mods for their own use. They have plenty of spare orders to start buying other things with.


  1. So, for the industrial/research alts I'm assuming you don't worry about standings and just take that as a cost of business? I hate taking time away from my main to grind standings for my alt, so I'm wondering how other people do it.

  2. I don't have any industrial/research alts. With the exception of my main and one alt who's an exploration/scanning pilot, they're all trade alts.

    I hate grinding period, even on my main.

    1. See what I get from wandering away from the blog and musing about things in my head, then posting without re-reading. Nonetheless, the trader is still a good example since the standings are part of your order overhead costs. Wondering also since the first step of Gevlon's similar post is basically "grind all the missions".

    2. No I don't believe it's worth the bother grinding faction rep. I don't do it all, not even on my main.

      With Accounting V and Broker Relations V my order overhead costs are only 1.5% anyhow... Without grinding.
