Monday 8 September 2014

Dead Goons - A Token of support for their killers

I've decided to throw a little support behind one of Gevlon's Goon killing projects. I've made a small donation to Mordus Angels in support of their rebellion against the evil empire.

Here's a link to the Mordus Angels donation board for anyone else wanting to do the same.

It's a great cause so lend your support. Maybe one of you can bounce me out of the number 1 spot on the donation board.


  1. Saw your name on the board already. I have a character in PBLRD and there is a strong chance I am going to rejoin FCON :) Nevertheless I applaud the donation board initiative and wish the CFC/FCON had something like this.

  2. Why are most of the people on that list Goonswarm Federation?

    1. Trolling and spamming just like they always do. The ISK total for all of them put together is negligible.

  3. What do you have against goons anyways? they don't do anything PL/N3 doesn't do either..

    1. Sure they do. For starters they come from that cesspool of internet depravity and asshattery the SA forums. Their stated purpose for playing Eve is to ruin the game for everyone. etc., etc...

  4. " Maybe one of you can bounce me out of the number 1 spot on the donation board."

    1. I knew that was coming but I don't count you since it is your project.

      I'll probably donate another 5 bil next month and maybe keep doing that every month until I find my own group of goon killers. Then, if they're effective enough I could do a lot more than 5 bil per month.
